
Fees in a MAM account can vary depending on the money manager and the platform. Common fee structures include performance

Profits and losses in a MAM account are allocated to each clients account based on their share in the overall

In a MAM account, clients can have customized investment preferences based on factors such as risk tolerance, asset allocation, and

While both PAMM and MAM accounts involve the management of multiple investor accounts, the key difference lies in the level

Investing in a MAM account allows individuals to benefit from the expertise of professional money managers who specialize in managing

In a MAM account, the money manager allocates trades across multiple client accounts based on their individual investment preferences. The

A MAM (Multi-Account Manager) account is an investment platform that allows a money manager to execute trades on behalf of

Tax implications vary depending on your jurisdiction and individual circumstances. We recommend consulting with a tax advisor to understand the

Yes, Finsai Invest operates under the regulatory framework of the Nauru Union and adheres to the Luxembourg Securitization law. We

Finsai Invest is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced investors. Our platform offers a range of investment products

Yes, you can request to withdraw your investment from Finsai Invest at any time. We offer liquidity options that allow

Finsai Invest offers a range of investment options with varying levels of risk. Our investment professionals carefully assess and manage